Surpass all your running goals by learning the best running method on the planet --
The POSE Method of Running.

Joe Sparks running in the EZ Run Belt

Run with Joe: POSE Method Running Coaching & Group Clinics

Run with greater ease; Reduce joint stress and prevent injury; Run faster with less energy -- I'll teach you how!
  • Always wanted to try running but weren't sure how to get started?
  • Been thinking of getting back into it after a break?
  • Like to run but got injured doing it?
  • Want to run a 5k or marathon? Have your first race not be your last race! 
  • Want to best your PR? Increase efficiency and speed while avoiding injury!
Stay Tuned For Future Clinics
Appropriate for the serious competitor as well as those running for health and fitness. All types of runners with benefit: Women, Men, Youth, Beginner, Long-Distance, Trail, Sports, Jogging, Marathon, Triathlon, Sprinting...

All Running Clinics & Private Running Coaching Sessions Include:

  • An introduction to the POSE running technique.
  • Video analysis of your running style with personal technique assessment.
  • Fun effective running drills and innovative exercises to increase flexibility, coordination, strength and stability.
  • The do's & don't of hill running.
  • A 40 page instruction and training manual.
  • Featuring specialized drills with the EZ Run Belt: invented by Joe Sparks and endorsed by POSE Method Founder Dr. Nicholas Romanov.

3 Hour Private Running Coaching Sessions also include:
  • An EZ Run Belt ($69.95 value) -- an effective fitness tool for developing your skill as a runner and recovering from injury.
  • 30 Minute Follow-Up to fine tune (must be used 4-8 weeks after initial session; includes a second video analysis).

Private Running Coaching Sessions:

  • 1 Hour Private: $70
  • 2 Hour Private: $135
  • 3 Hour Private: $195 (Semi-Private $150 per person)
Questions, contact Joe at 419-345-0885

What is POSE Method Running?

A Better Way To Run! An efficient, injury - free running style taught through a specific running pose.

Benefits of POSE Method Running:
  • Greater Ease and More Enjoyment
  • Reduce Joint Stress & Prevent Injury through decreasing the shock of landing that travels through the system.
  • Run Faster with Less Energy by working with gravity instead of against it.

Developed in the late '70's by Dr. Nicholas Romanov, four-time Olympic coach and sports scientist, it is the first complete system for learning proper running form and is the only running technique scientifically proven to reduce impact on the knees by 50%. It is now used all over the world by athletes of all levels and non-athletes of all ages, the POSE Method of Running dramatically improves your running performance!

The POSE running method accepts gravity as the primary source of movement instead of muscular energy.
 It consists of three elements: Pose -- Fall -- Pull, while staying in the running pose.

This creates  forward movement with the least cost (energy use) and the least effort.

 The  end result is faster race times, freer running and no more injuries!

The Pose... 

The POSE Method begins with the Running Pose stance. Balance on your left foot with knee bent and weight supported on the fore-foot (ball). The right leg should be relaxed and pulled under the body with the right foot parallel to the left calf. From the top of your hip to the ankle forms an "S" shape, similar to the hind legs of many animals. The "S" shape of the Pose optimizes the spring-loaded effect of the muscles and is an ideal position "primed" for motion.


Motion begins when the balance of the "Pose" is disrupted. Lean forward at the left ankle. Allow gravity to pull down your right leg to catch yourself from falling - make sure to land on the ball of the right foot. Return to the Pose, this time supported on the right foot.

Spring Forces...

The return to the Pose involves lifting the foot with the hamstring. In order to maximize the spring forces in the hamstring, it is important to develop flexibility and strength.

Fast Cadence...

Because your feet never stray too far from your hips, your stride is short. Therefore, the only way to run faster is to increase your cadence.

Reduced Impact...

The effect of running with the Pose method is to decrease the shock of landing that travels through the system. This was noted in a research study with Florida Atlantic University and the Orthopaedic Research Laboratory at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Heel-striking recreational runners were taught to run Pose in a number of sessions and were tested on the force of their landing before and after the lessons. When comparing pre to post results, as a group, the average decrease of stress felt at the knee joint was about 30%.

The difference in impact is simple to demonstrate. Walk a few paces by striding out and landing on your heel. Now, bend your knee, take a smaller step and land on the forefoot. Feel the difference in the foot, ankle, knee, and hip between the two methods. Translate this to running 5 or 10 K or a marathon!

POSE Running Keys...

  • Compact Stride;
  • Lift Under the Hip;
  • Pull, Don't Push;
  • Land on Forefoot;
  • Knees Bent

What about Shoes...

When you take away the stress of high impact, the pronation/supination that goes with heel-striking, and the push off that comes with a straight rear leg, what you end up needing is just a lightweight shoe with a slim sole. Running should be the focus of your running, not the shoes. It is the skill that makes an injury free runner, not the shoe.

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